
Nita Wilkinson, writer and speaker
Everyone needs a little sparkle and a whole lot of Jesus in their life!
Welcome to In the Whisper. I am humbled that you would spend some of your valuable time on this page.
I am a self-professed joyologist. Jesus is the light of my world, and I strive to shine that light on the people around me. I love sharing the Bible as the #1 tool in our toolbox of life. Besides In the Whisper, I am a founder and board member of Gifts with Grace, a ministry for women facing trauma who feel they have no voice. I also offer devotions and walking to a group of women as a means of spiritual and physical wellness. I find so much joy in being loud and bold for Jesus.
When the world is too noisy, I want to offer you a place of quiet reflection, a place where you can hear God's whispers. I pray that here; you find a place that is peaceful and gives you rest. We are all about encouraging women. You are loved; you are beautiful and you are worthy!